"It's not just about tech, but the Imaginative and Inspiring People who invent, create and use IT".
Pirjo has a recent Master’s thesis (2016) on Educational Technology. During her Bachelor studies on Healthcare and Social Services (2000), she realized that preventative social care is very effective and education is a powerful way to empower individuals and have an impact on society as well as future. Thus, she concentrated on educational studies and received Preschool Teacher's qualification from the University of Turku, Finland (2003).
Pirjo is a strong believer on life-long learning and she enjoys experimenting with innovative teaching and learning practices. She has varied work experience in education and care from Finland, England, France and Belgium. Working in multinational and -cultural European School of Brussels was rewarding and the birthplace of ALO Finland MOOC.
Publications and articles
- Flipped Classroom in Secondary School, SAMK Symposium 2014, Satakunta University of Applied Sciences (2014)
- Gamified Maths, AI and videos in primary school (Master’s Thesis, 2015)
- Flipped Classroom-Pedagogy in Secondary School (Jan 25, 2016)
- Taiteen kultakausi muuttui koululaisten uusiksi valokuviksi (OivaSeutu, Oct 22, 2016, in Finnish)
- Google in the classroom: how Pixel and virtual reality headset Daydream Viewer will change teaching (The Sydney Morning Herald, Dec 11 2016)
- Koodaus tutuksi koululaiselta toiselle (Satakunnan kansa 19.10.2015, in Finnish)
- Flipped Classroom, Gamification and Coding (LukSitko 1/2016, in Finnish)
- Finnish education – the secret sauce, Independent Schools, Innovated magazine, UK 2018
- ICT and Computer Science in Finland, Changed, Think Tank, Ireland 2018.
- Teachers’ take on technology in education: Should we be worried?, The EdTech World, 2018.
- What is good leadership in education? The Reformer - Educational Magazine by Pakistan ASCD, 2018.
- Global education, Singapore, 2018.
- What is Finnish education? UK Ed Magazine, 2018.
- Creativity and Culture Conference, UK 2018.
- Narrowing Curricula and Fixing Teacher Shortage, EdSense, India, 2019.
- What is the Finnish Double Flip-Pedagogy? What if Spirit, France, 2019. (English & French).
- Why US needs to emulate Finlands education system to improve stem education?, USA, 2019.
- Have you heard of ALO Finland before?,De Betong Show, 2020
- Covid-19 and learning, Inside government, UK 2021.
- Coding Lessons at SAMK Symposium 2015, Satakunta University of Applied Sciences Pori, Finland 2015.
- Presentation at Interactive Technology in Education 2016 conference: Pelillisestä oppitunnista koulutusviennin tuote Hämeenlinna, Finland 2016.
- The Finnish Double Flip Coding Lessons (CICERO Workshop on Learning, Brain, and Technology). University of Helsinki, Finland, 2016.
- Webinar on Gamified Maths, AI and videos in primary school (Interactive Technology Seminar, 2016)
- MOOC on Finnish Education, University of Consortium of Pori, Finland 2016.
- Teacher training on Flipped classroom, Coding and Gamified Maths, Finland 2016.
- Digital teacher training on Finnish education 2.0, EdTech Campus, Bangalore, India, 2017.
- Transformative leadership summit, USA, 2018.
- Exporting Finnish education to East Africa, NEABEC Helsinki, Finland 2019.
- Double Flip. Inside government, London, UK 2020.
- Outstanding Schools Middle East, Inside government, Dubai 2020.
- Have you heard of ALO Finland before? De Betong Show, 2020.
- Qatar Summit, 2021.
- 28 Credentials for entrepreneurs, 2021.
- Re-think education, 2021.
- OECD Education Webinars, 2022.
- OECD Teacher Education Forum, Bahrain 2022.
- Vilnius University, Liethuania 2022.
- Finnish Education 2.0 & Creativity. Alaska, USA, 2017.
- Finnish Education, Curriculum & Competences: Entrepreneurship. Alaska, USA 2017.
- The Teacher's point of view, 2021, London, UK.
- Teacher appreciation in Finland, 2021 US.
- Dynamics of Finnish education, India, 2022.
- Doubling impact with Finnish double flip, 2022.
Videos on Finnish Education 2.0
ALO Finland web page and videos were funded by Leader Karhuseutu and The European Agricultural Fund for Rural Development.
Contact ALO Finland